Batch: Masters Governance and Development (Live Batch)


The HIGAD offers a two-year masters program in Governance and Development (MA in Governance and Development). The program is designed for candidates from East African countries (i.e. member states of the IGAD region), initially and envisions to be a centre of continental and global academic studies, research and documentation in good governance and sustainable development. HIGAD’s program consists of 9 modules which are offered in two semesters during the first year. During the second year, first semester students of this program will do preliminary research as part of a seminar accompanied by presentation survey on specific areas related to good governance and sustainable development. At the same time, students prepare a thesis proposal to conduct gradating thesis. Finally, during the second year first semester students do their research thesis proposals, while during thesecond year second semester, they shall write up their theses, submit the thesis reports and present as part of the thesis defence.
In general, the main aims of the HIGAD are to develop capacity of civil servants in the area of:
 Good governance at institutional, federal, national and regional level;
 Sustainable holistic and transformational socio-economic development ;
 Peace building, ensuring security and intercultural collaboration
 Delivery of efficient and transparent public services supported by the information and communication technologies.
 Empowerment and mobilization citizens
 Engagement in academic research and publication focussed on governance and development in the Horn of Africa.

Exit Level Outcomes

After the completion of the Masters Degree in Governance and Development Program, graduates should be able to:
 set strategies of intercultural relations and development communication to enhance regional integration,
 promote religion tolerance, conflict management, negotiation and mediation to strengthen local, national, regional and global security and peace building;
 analyze public involvement, sustainability and effectiveness development policy, design and implementation;
 examine theories and best practices of development policies, strategies and implementation in the IGAD member states;
 compare constitutions and governance of East African countries,
 apply principles of good governance, public mobilization and delivering efficient public service;
 examine equitability in development interventions, projects planning and management
 develop and use innovative public service delivery systems
 design policies to enhance skill development and entrepreneurship to enhance youth and women employment in the region,
 analyse features of pastoralism, resource and environment management for socio-economic transformation